About me

Wherever I've went, I have always used this image, even though I wish I've had this hair color (it's so cool)


Since my mamma brought me to the hellscape we all  have to live through, I’ve always liked electronics. It all began with an awesome gift from my father: an Arduino kit with a cute manual filled with projects (in all seriousness, that book is like so pretty to look at…). And so it began my quest…

Another one of my hobbies that has become quintessential for me has been programming! Back in 2010, when Minecraft was all the craze, a friend of mine wondered whether we could make a game like that. We pondered for a little while, searched for the programming language Minecraft was written in, and what do you know, we learnt Java, which it is still one of my favorite languages to program, only being topped by and C++.

And the third pillar which keeps me from tumbling into boredom is 3D printing. It is said that with your first check you should buy something pretty, and so I bought a Creality CR-6 SE 3D-printer. I do not know whether I have spent more money actually buying the machine or fixing it, but… I still love it nevertheless.

I’m forgetting something essential, music! Oh, what could I give to get my hands on a real synthesizer… I don’t usually get to compose but I’d really like to, so whenever I get my lazy ass to do something, I will upload it here! And maybe to my Instagram account.

These are the kind of things you will find here!

I have always wanted to create a YouTube channel and share projects but I’m normally too lazy to record my progress. So I wanted to start small, and I thought: maybe a blog is the point to start from! Furthermore, I always forget things that I do not write down, so this will keep me from being scatterbrained.

Well that’s all. Let’s see how long do I keep posting here.

See ya!
